Polishing week 2

ImageHello again! It is time again for a new post for the blog! This is week has been rather slow for me, I have not worked that much and effective because my motivation has been rather low because we done with most of the art and it sounds on our lead programmer that we will probably not have enough time to add anything new as I brought up in the last post. But what I have done is keep working with the polishing of our animations. This week has mostly been focused on ranged enemy movement, though I have also worked on a fast touch up of melee enemy and the question form that we wanted to people to answer on the game testing we had this Monday. So this week’s work was mostly made up of the same things as last week but with a new animation. Though I changed more with the walking animations with this one then I did with the melee walking animation that I worked on last week. I wanted a more fluid and smooth animation so I slowed down his shoulder and head movement a lot. I also had to slow down the arms to match the shoulder because after watching the animation with just slowing down the shoulders it just looked weird, it looked like the arms were deformed and too long. I also started adding some shadow and highlights to the animation but have only done it to two frames while I am writing this. Next week will be focused on making more finished polished animations. I am going to finish the Rubbish animation this week and next I will start with the attack animations. I will also have to start getting my motivation back to the top so I don’t start slacking now when it is only 2 weeks left of the project! I am a bit unsure how this is going to be fixed but I believe it is just something I have to tell myself to do and then just do it. We have also started having some problem with stress that has started to affect the mood of the group. This is something that we have to fix fast so we don’t run into the wall at the end of the project. The best thing other than never hitting the wall of course is that we hit it just after we are finished with the project. We are all feeling this in the group so I think we will just have to help each other out so none of us really hit the wall hard. Sorry for a post that was not that much about graphics this week but that is on me not having that much art and graphics to talk about In till next time! Peace!

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1 Response to Polishing week 2

  1. lowit says:

    Hi Simon!
    Nice post. Fells like a wall of text though. Try split in your text in too smaller parts. I lost tracking of what I was reading all the time. But other than that nice!!
    Was really easy to follow what you did and the motivation behind it. It would have been nice to see some picture/animation to understand exact what you mean by “just looking weird” though. And maybe more information on the workflow itself, like how did you slow down the animation? Did you add more frames between them you already had or did you just use the basic key-frames and redrawn all the frames?
    I think to get your motivation back on top you really need to like your game. If you don’t like it, try to find what it is in your game that you dislike and see what you can do about it, if it is a feature/game designing problem you want to change, add or remove, you can discuss it with your group what you think and what to do about it to make the game better. If it is code stuff, try to talk to the coders and tell them what you think about how the game runs, give them more than just “I don’t like it” try to figure out why and ideas how to do it instead. If it is graphic related, gather your artist and see if you can solve it somehow in the same way as with code-problems.
    About stress in the group, try to plan everything really well these two last weeks. If you have a well-planned work-schedule you will now if you will get everything in for the final or not. And you will know exactly what to do each day. This doesn’t need to mean that you will work 24/7 these weeks but you will feel more relaxed and can focus on working instead of how you going to make it or not.
    Have a good one!
    -Ludwig Lindstål

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